Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Make Money at Home Business Insurance. by Michael A Fowler, M.B.A.

The Fortune That Lies Hidden In Your Salary - Discover it - Make Money At Home.

There's a fortune hiding in everyone's salary or pay check but most people can't find it.

With the average person spending countless hours in front of a TV screen to be entertained and blot out the JOB (Just Over Broke) syndrome, small wonder that making money from home is not a priority for most people.

A salary check gives you that rich feeling; but is that money yours?

Or just a loan until next week, when you have to do the same thing all over again...

The average person spends more than they earn, hence the National Debt figures. But not many people realize that their pay check is a great way to propel themselves forward, into earning more than they spend.

It's called; make money at home and thousands of people are doing just that... making a second income, which will eventually replace and exceed their current income.

It is a fact that as a single person, you can't work thousands of hours per week. But your Boss does it every week. It's called leverage. He pays you a sum of money for doing a set amount of work. That output is worth more than he actually pays you. He is leveraging upon your efforts to make himself rich.

So, why not make your own money, while working at home? And leveraging other people's efforts...

To make money at home, all you need is a computer, some investment capital and the right business. You also need determination, integrity and patience.

Replacing your income is a gradual process but the main elements for success mean a change in your lifestyle and some self sacrifices. Those changes do not normally have to be drastic, just measured. If you sit down and calculate how much money is wasted every month on things that are non-essential to your well being, or superfluous to your requirements, you would soon find the finance is easily available.

Many people have worries about their job security, so doesn't it make sense to develop another income source, while you are still earning and well able to finance that business through start-up?

Wouldn't it be nice to quit your job, instead of waiting for a redundancy notice? Do you realize how hard it is to start something, when your salary stops coming in?

Doing something right now, that enhances your future lifestyle, is the right way forward. Just thinking about it will never get you started and leaving it too late could have devastating effects for you and your family.

Most people do not realise that time is the most important factor in building that second income stream. You can't throw money at it, to make it successful. You have to build it yourself. Call it Insurance ... Of the very best kind.

About the Author
Michael A Fowler, M.B.A. is the editor of the Internet's premier work at home resource: Work from Home Journal.
An Online Trainer, Mentor and Coach, Michael has been helping people to succeed online since 1998.
http://www.the-mba-way.com | Goldcard43@aol.com

Store Card Versus Credit Card - Which Should You Choose? by Craig Brown

Store cards and credit cards have their advantages and disadvantages, but which is best for you. In this article we point out some basics to help you take control of your spending.

Store Cards

Do you have a store card? How many do you have? Do you know how much you are spending on each?

Store cards are a great idea if you use them properly, but they can cause huge amounts of personal financial damage if you don't take control.

When you are offered a store card here a few things to bear in mind:

1. Get very clear on what the offer is exactly. Most stores will offer a card with a promotional deal - say 10% off any purchases that day and for the next week. So what exactly is the offer and how long does it last?

2. Sometimes store cards are heavily pushed during a sale. Again, what's the offer - for example, do you get 10% off sale items too?

3. What are the privileges you get as a store card holder? Do you get a discount every time you shop? Do you get reward points of some kind? Do you get special preview events for new ranges? And what are the details - how many points, how many previews a year?

4. How much credit are they offering you? And can you handle it - or will it make you feel like a kid in a candy store?

5. What are the repayment terms exactly? What's the minimum repayment? What's the APR - during the offer period and after the offer period?

6. Are you bothered? It's easy to take up what seems like a great offer with no effort on your part. But remember you would probably have bought the things you are buying even if there was no store card being waved in your face. Do you really want another piece of plastic, another debt?

7. Can you get the things you want cheaper elsewhere anyway? Most things you usually can do.

8. Can you pay for the things you want using your credit card? Credit cards usually have a much lower APR than store cards - so unless you can afford to make repayments in full, you could well lose in interest payments what you gain in special offers.

Credit Cards

The same kind of questions can be asked about credit cards:

How many do you have? Do you know what you're spending? Are you in control? What are the special offers - low interest, 0% balance transfers, etc? What's the credit limit and can you handle it? What are the repayment terms, including APR?

The major differences from a store card are that you can use a credit card almost anywhere, and that the APR is usually a lot lower. It's also a lot easier to control your spending if it's all on one card.

So when you've weighed up both kinds of card, what should you do? Here's a couple of ideas:

1. For general use, have just one credit card. Keep the credit limits low and in control.

2. If you are offered a store card and there's an unbeatable opening offer on your purchase, take it. Then, if you can't pay off the debt in one go, use your credit card to pay it off so that you at least get lower interest charges. Next, when your shiny new plastic card arrives, cut it up! Seriously. If you don't destroy it you (or someone in your family) will spend on it and the debt spiral will continue.

For information on credit cards check out the American Credit Cards Guide: http://www.americancreditcardsguide.com

About the Author
Craig Brown

How to get a mortgage even if you have a bad credit rating by Mandy Parsons

If you are having trouble getting a mortgage, you need to remember one thing:- Persistence. If you give up trying, you will NEVER get that mortgage. It's also worth noting that there are a great many variables that determine whether a lender will approve you for a loan. SOme of these variables are outside your control (criminal record, CCJs, Bankruptcy, Previous foreclosures etc) while others can be influenced by you in order to improve your chances of a mortgage approval.

Some lenders specialize in 'sub prime' loans -loans to customers with less than perfect credit histories. These are the lenders you should be targeting. Sometimes, they have a set time limit from a foreclosure or bankruptcy before they will approve you for a mortgage (often between 24 and 36 months). Sometimes they don't, and you can be approved for a loan the same day you are discharged from bankruptcy. Obviously, they charge higher interest rates to reflect the greater risk that you now represent, but hey! No loan, or a slightly more expensive loan?!

Ultimately, we here at www.mortgagedown.com think that what determines whether or not your mortgage is approved is your 'credit score'. Anything over '600' and most lenders will happily approve your loan, no matter what little 'stains' there are on your record. The process of creating your credit score is mostly automatic these days, and this is what you need to understand in order to bask in the glory of a 600 plus credit score when applying for a mortgage.

So how do you make sure your credit score is above the 600 level so you can get 100% financing? First off, stay RIGHT away from so called 'credit repair' agencies. They will often do more harm than good, and you will be handing over your cash for absolutely nothing or worse. What you can do is try and ensure your record is as 'clean' as possible. First step, obviously, is to check your credit rating for any inaccuracies. You have a statutory right to see what financial information any company holds =bout you, and this includes your credit rating. Ensure paid off charges are shown accurately as paid off - this is the biggest reason for bad credit scores when the record is in fact pretty clean. Every past charge that your have since paid off should be checked, and once you have done this, you can demand a letter of confirmation that the account is now fully paid up. You can, in fact, cause severe problems for any credit agency not reflecting the true state of your credit affairs.

If your target loan company needs proof the charges have been paid off, you can ask for the same from your other lenders - for a small fee (sub $100 usually) they will provide notarized letters confirming your account is now paid off and closed. This will reflect well in your credit score within 2 or 3 working days. Next, credit specialits at www.mortgagedown.com advise that you pay off as much as you can on any credit cards or other loans outstanding. Obviously, the less outstanding debt you have, the better your credit score will be in terms of going for a new mortgage. In fact, if you 'max out' credit lines or cards, this will reflect VERY badly on your credit score.

Finally, be careful not to approach too many lenders in too short a time period. Repeated attempts to get credit can themselves lower credit scores. Remember that even if you score less than 600, it is still possible to get that mortgage, but you may need to 'shop around' a little, and you will almost certainly pay an extra fee or higher interest as a penalty. Beware of companies claiming that 'if they can't get you the loan, you can't get one period' because ultimately, whether or not you get a loan is down to you!

About the Autho
Mandy is the resident credit rating expert at www.mortgagedown.com

Three Keys For Getting Out Of Debt by Seth Lutnick

Getting out of debt gives you a euphoric feeling, it's absolutely liberating. It's a feeling you want with all your heart. The good news is, with the three principles outlined in this article, you can turn yourself in the direction of financial independence and take control of your future. That euphoric feeling will coming around sooner than you think.

Before we get started, let's get started. You read that correctly. The hardest part of any project is often just getting started. There are 101 reasons for procrastination, ranging from fear of success to fear of failure. We can get overwhelmed by the scope of large tasks. It's too much, it's daunting, and we get daunted.

So here is the Pre-1 A step that will get you started: set yourself up. You don't have to start making calculations, you don't have to start working out budgets, you just have to take a piece of paper, a calculator or a software program, and sit yourself down at a table. Once you're there, going forward becomes easy. So many big things in our lives take literally 10 minutes, but we invest them with far too much worry and therefore never get to them. Just getting set up isn't that threatening, so we can do that. And once we've gotten set up, we've created the momentum to carry us to the fulfillment of our goals.

OK, now let's look at the three principles.

Principal number 1: Know Everything.

You've heard the saying, "knowledge is power." It is especially true in getting out of debt. You have to know exactly how much money you earn, how much money you spend, how much money you owe. It is simple mathematics, and the more detail you have, the more control you have.

Gaining knowledge activates the brain. Our brains work very much like a computer. When you give a computer a task to complete, the computer keeps on working at it until it gets done. So, too, when we give our brains a job, they can perform amazing feats. By knowing every detail of your finances, you will be giving your brain the job of finding a solution to your situation. It seems like it happens automatically. Stay on top of the details of your situation, and you'll find the answers coming almost by themselves.

Principal number 2: Spend Importantly.

Great people don't fear failure. They actually appreciate it as a great teacher, so they can improve in the future. Most of the time our debt is a result of a failure of our spending systems. We either do not pay attention to how much we spend, or we just lose control of it. Let's face it, credit cards are a very mixed blessing. Most often, we spend huge amounts on things that are neither necessary nor important. Let's look at this in more detail.

There are three types of spending we do. First, there are necessities, such as groceries, medical costs, clothing and shelter and so forth. The second type is for those things that are important, but not essential. They might include piano lessons, membership at a gym, dinner at a restaurant with your family, and other similar expenses. The third type are those things that are neither important, nor essential. These are luxuries, plain and simple: a Caribbean cruise, a TV set the size of a small skyscraper, the fanciest sports car, at the casino... you get the picture. Notice which category is usually the most expensive. Yes, the third type. By eliminating spending in this area, at least until you are solvent, you will help yourselves greatly.

I will add that it is a good idea to give some money to charity, whatever little amount you can afford. It may not make sense at first glance, but giving charity does something very important. It gives you a proper perspective on the value of money. Even if you give just a few dollars, you will come to view money as something to be used for important purposes, not to be squandered on unnecessary things.

Principal number 3: Make It Easy for Yourself.

Just as getting set up is the easiest way to get started on any object, making smart rules for how you spend is the easiest way to control your spending. The main culprit here is temptation. If spending is too easy, temptation has a lot power over us. If we make it harder to spend, temptation will fade away.

For example, if I left my credit cards at home, and only had a few dollars in my wallet, I would not be tempted in the least to buy that beautiful new suit in the window. I wouldn't even miss it! Similarly, when I have three credit cards, and two of them are within my spending limits, temptation is much greater than if I only had one credit card and I was already at my limit.

Making it easy for yourself means keeping yourself as far away from temptation to overspend as possible. Effective diets happen in the supermarket. If you don't buy those oversized cookies, you won't have them and you won't be tempted by them. That's why you should never go shopping when you're hungry. Make rules that will keep you from spending on anything that is beyond your budget. Use only cash for essentials, close down superfluous credit card accounts. Make it easy to stay the course.

Putting It Together

As you proceed in your journey towards solvency, make sure that you stick to these three principles. Constantly review your progress and keep "knowing everything." This will allow you to create and implement a surefire plan for getting out of debt for good. Good luck!

About the Author
Seth Lutnick is, in addition to being a recording artist and concert performer, a personal consultant with expertise in project planning. Visit www.getitdone.biz for a fully detailed plan of How to Get Out of Debt, and ideas and resources for personal action planning.

Coaches, Do You Make These 7 Deadly Cash Flow Mistakes in Your Practice? by Caroline Jordan MBA

Managing cash flow is every small business owner's most important function. Avoid these seven deadly mistakes to make sure you aren't creating cash flow problems in your coaching practice.

1. Using the "Fly By The Seat of Your Pants" Accounting Method.

When tax time rolls around do you find yourself pawing through piles of paper on your desk looking for credit card receipts from your business trip? Or are you upside down digging under the seat of your car trying to figure out where all your gas receipts are? Are you wondering if that coffee stained piece of paper is an invoice from a supplier? Do you have a vague feeling that someone, somewhere owes you money but, you just can't remember who it is? If so, you're probably guilty of operating with the "Fly By the Seat of Your Pants" accounting method.

Using this accounting method has a tremendous impact on your business's cash flow. Unless you have a system to track your business finances, you'll always be operating in the dark and in danger of imitating George of the Jungle as he slams into a tree.

2. Not Knowing What the Numbers Are All About.

Once you have a real honest to goodness useful accounting system, that's where the real fun starts. You've got a bunch of numbers but what in the world do you do with them?

Understanding what the numbers mean is crucial to your cash flow. Are sales trending up or down? Are expenses rising faster than sales? Is one coaching package more profitable or better selling than another? How many clients do you need to meet expenses each month? Can you take a paycheck this month? The answers all lie in the numbers.

3. Mismanaging Credit: I Owe You, You Owe Me.

There are two ways to mismanage credit in small business:

1. Granting credit without wise credit policies 2. Using credit with no plan of how to pay the bill.

Both have a huge impact on your cash flow and are often closely related. Here's a scenario to demonstrate that point. You have two opportunities: you can work on a big project for a corporate client or you can take on several small clients. You might think the big client is the way to go but how long will it take you to get paid? Often, large companies take their time paying--sometimes 60 or 90 days, sometimes longer. You may find that you've tied up a tremendous amount of your time with no cash flow to pay your bills. The smaller clients could provide you with more immediate cash flow without tying up all your time.

And it's easy when times get tough to pull out your credit card to cover your current expenses. But doing this with no plan of how you'll pay the bill gets many small business owners in hot water fast.

4. Ignoring the relationship between Receivables and Payables.

Do your Receivables and Payables "play nice" with each other? In a perfect world your receivables (what customers owe you) would be paid just in time for you to pay your payables (what you owe your vendors). But, if you're a small business owner you know Rule #1 is "Stuff Happens". The customer you thought would pay his bill this week, doesn't. So the bills you thought you could pay this week, don't get paid.

Are your Payables in balance with you Receivables? If what you owe to others is far more than what is owed to you, then, Houston, you have a problem.

And it's not just the balance that's important, it's the quality as well. If your receivables are as old as your Aunt Tilly, chances are good you'll never see the cash.

5. Focusing on profit instead of cash flow.

Ahh, Profit. The ultimate goal of every business. Or is it? Did you know that many businesses that fail are operating at a profit? How can that be? For the small business, cash flow is the ultimate goal. No cash flow. No business. Period. What's the difference? Mostly the difference is in the decision making process. "If I take on this big job, it will earn me a huge profit, but if I take on five smaller jobs, I'll have cash to pay my bills." Yes, you want to be profitable but every decision has to be measured against the effect it will have on cash flow.

6. Forgetting your debt to society.

Some bills are easy to forget. Bills like insurance, payroll taxes, estimated taxes. They sort of sit out there, almost off the radar screen. They don't have to be paid right away. It's easy to forget them until BAM! they're due and they're due right now. And you better have the money to pay them or you're in hot water. Then, cash flow problems result as you rob Peter to pay Paul. It can take months or even years to recover.

7. Spending your company's future on a speed boat.

Haven't you always wanted a speed boat? Or a fancy car? Or an all expense paid trip to the Bahamas? It might be tempting to try to pass your personal purchases off as tax deductible business expenses. But, it's a bad idea for two reasons.

The folks who work at the IRS are over-worked but they're not stupid. The last thing you need is an audit. An audit that could reveal your transgressions and could result in an unexpected tax bill plus penalties and interest. Again, huge cash flow headache!

Here's the other reason it's a bad idea. Are you spending your company's future on frivolous or unnecessary expenses? Small businesses operate close to the edge. Unless you have a reserve to see you through the tough times, you're always in danger of being on the wrong side of that edge. You've got to take care of the goose that lays the golden eggs first. Then, you can pay yourself a properly taxed bonus and buy all the toys you want.

About the Author

Caroline Jordan, MBA is a small business consultant and creator of Cash Flow Master, a Fast Track, No Holds Barred, Crash Course in Small Business Cash Flow. For more Cash Flow tips and techniques visit http://www.TheJordanResult.com/mastering.html

Thursday, September 08, 2005

What You Need to Know About Debt Consolidation by Bill Thompson

Debt consolidation is often a last resort for people who are in extreme debt and trying to avoid bankruptcy. Many people who are not in danger of bankruptcy, but have debt on high interest credit cards may also choose to consolidate their debt. Debt consolidation is defined as the process of organizing loans and debts into one low-interest loan that can be paid off regularly. Consolidating debt can help someone avoid bankruptcy, and help them manage their money more wisely. Debt consolidation is also convenient because it becomes easier to keep track of debt and one is only required to pay off one loan rather than several debts. In order to consolidate one’s debt, collateral must be given. The collateral is usually the home, or a vehicle.

Central to debt consolidation is a debt consolidation company. It is important to choose the best company to fit your financial needs. As is common in any financial sphere, there are reputable companies, and companies that use underhanded methods to gain more money from the customer. Most debt consolidation companies do use honorable methods, but it is still important to know what some underhanded companies will do.

1. Some companies will wait until you are backed into a corner. If you know you are headed for financial trouble and wish to consolidate your debt, make sure your company starts working on it right away. Some companies will delay in debt consolidation so that the customer gets in more debt and therefore has to pay the company more money in the long run as well as short term. A customer who has to consolidate debt or else face bankruptcy can be forced to pay extremely high refinancing fees or debt consolidation fees.

2. Some companies will also charge exceptionally high debt consolidation fees to people who have high interest loans. Sometimes these fees can be extremely close to, or at the state maximum for mortgage fees. It is important to know how much companies are able to charge you, and compare that to what a company is offering. The lowest price is generally the best idea. Always be on the look out for unnaturally high fees because some companies will attempt to scam you.

3. Last, and certainly not least, you should be aware of companies practicing “predatory lending.” Predatory lending is a practice by some unscrupulous companies to allow their customers to become so in debt that no other company will help them. This is a way that a company can control you and make sure to make significant financial gains from your misfortune. Any debt consolidation service that attempts to control you is not a good service.

The decision to consolidate one’s debt is a very important decision. It is important to understand this fact when looking for a company. Knowing how companies will try to make extra money at your expense is imperative to having a successful debt consolidation experience. Choose the best company and you will notice a positive outcome. Debt consolidation is a wise option for people with nowhere else to turn, but it must be a well-thought-out, educated decision.

About the Author
Bill Thompson is interested in a variety of financial topics, but focuses on debt consolidation.

Many People Have Realized the Convenience and Benefits of Online Personal Loans by Beth Pardue

The Internet has provided a whole new dimension to obtaining a personal loan. Before lending companies were available on the World Wide Web, people were limited with their loan options and from where they could get a loan. Now there are endless financial resources available to people, no matter what their credit situation may be. With so many sources to lenders available online, you can often find loan deals that beat out the interest rates and loan terms you can find at local banks and credit unions.

Online personal loan options have also made it easier for those who have tarnished credit to get a loan. Consumers can search the web to find numerous lenders willing to grant loans to people with bad credit. There are other financial tools available online that can even help get your credit back into shape. You can find debt counseling and credit monitoring services as well as many free tips to help with improving your credit score like the ones available at http://www.free-debt-consultation.com

Even though the Internet has made the personal loan process much more user friendly, the requirements to obtain a loan are still the same. You still must fill out a loan application and go through the approval process. However, the online approval process is usually much faster than the traditional loan approval turnaround time. With many online lenders you will know right away if you are approved or not.

As with any loan, you want to make sure that your credit history meets the requirements of the online loan offer. Even though it is fast and easy to apply for online loans, you want to try to keep your applications to a minimum. Filling out numerous loan applications in a short time span can be detrimental to your credit score.

It’s no wonder why so many people are catching on to the convenience of getting their loans online. With the large variety of personal loans available online, you may never have to take the time to drive to your bank for a loan ever again. More than likely, you can find any type of personal loan online that is available anywhere else. Mortgage loans, auto loans (new and used), refinance loans, debt consolidations and payday loans are just a few of the most common personal loans you can find on the Internet. Visit http://www.easy-approval-personal-loans.com to learn about some of your online personal loan options.

Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the authors bio paragraph at the bottom of this article is included, the article is published “as is” (unedited) and all URL’s are made active hyperlinks with no syntax changes.

About the Author
This article was written by Beth Pardue who has over 10 years of experience in the financial industry assisting clients with assorted financial needs. To learn more about your personal loan options or to apply for a personal loan online please visit: http://www.easy-approval-personal-loans.com

Monday, August 15, 2005

Pray off your debts - in 10 days or less by Elisha Goodman

It will all be clear in a minute, but first I have to ask you...

How would you like to be debt-free in 10 days or less?

Do you ever have those days where you just don't feel like getting out of bed?

Where you feel discouraged, that your christian journey is too long, too hard, and that maybe, just maybe, this whole thing of praying and expecting answers is like the
land of OZ and it only exists in stories?

Do you ever feel like you're all alone and you just can't do it, that maybe you won't ever be able to see the answers to your prayers?

Do you ever just wonder why you try?

Doreen, one of my readers says yes, she does.

In fact this morning she woke up and just really DID NOT want to get to work.

She didn't feel like thanking God.

She didn't feel like getting out of bed.

She didn't feel like praying at all.

She started asking herself all those ugly little doubtful questions...

Then she stopped and said, "This isn't like me. This feels crappy - I do NOT like this one bit!"

So she popped open her Bible and she just started flipping through.

Before long the Holy Spirit was answering her own questions...

No she's not alone.

Of course she can do it.

Yes she deserves to be debt-free because that's where God wants her to be.

Who is she?

She's a child of the Most High God, the possessor of the heavens and the earth.

And who are you ?

You're a joint heir with Christ, who is the first born among many brethren!

Do you deserve to be debt-free? Do you deserve all the success and prosperity you desire?


Now I know you get discouraged too - we all get discouraged - and that's why I started this email like this.

We all have those days where we just don't seem to get it together... and it feels like things will never change.

But the truth of the matter is, we have important things to do in the world - for the LORD.

YOU have important things to do in the world... that's why GOD brought you here.

To help us along the journey, God so graciously gave us His immortal Word. It works for all times and all seasons. For all peoples.

And more - He gave us His Holy Spirit ... to comfort us, help us, teach us, direct us!!!

When you feel like you are the Lone Ranger out against the world, you grab the Holy Scriptures for its words of inspiration from our father and you see the example of others who've been there before.

As soon as you open it Joseph, David, Hannah, Sarah, Jabez, Mary, Elizabeth, and dozens of others - ordinary men and women in the bible - are standing there
screaming and yelling, cheering you on, giving you the encouragement and support you need to carry on.

It's a very powerful feeling to be able to pick it up and flip through just a few pages and remember why we're alive and what we're here to do. Remember that we're here for a divine purpose, that we can fulfil it, that we HAVE to fulfil it... all by His grace and power.

You see the saints that have gone ahead of us - David, Joseph, Esther, Hannah, Abraham, plus the angels and all the others are cheering us on every minute according to the book of Hebrews 11-12.

I compiled these prayers to help get you out of debt. I'm constantly amazed at the testimonies of those who actually follow the instructions and pray the prayers.

I'm going to be offering them as an e-course in seven installments shortly.

Meanwhile, accept this 1st installment - and if you do the prayer WELL - you'll soon have an occasion to testify that God indeed still answers prayers.

When you pray these prayers well,
* You'll know you that God wants you out of debt... into abundance.

* You'll recognize divine opportunities when the Holy Spirit presents them to you.

* You'll know WHEN to take rapid action and WHEN to hold your peace.

* You'll know that God has the resources to back up ALL the promises He has ever made.

For your 1st installment, click on:


Please accept this gift and know that GOD has already given His angels charge... to get you out of debt and into abundance!

You will succeed in Jesus' name

P.S. Others have succeeded against all odds.
It's NOW your turn!

Click on:


About the Author
Prayer coach Elisha Goodman helps busy people rapidly get results - through prayer. Learn more about his two golden key secrets that get prayers answered at: http://www.firesprings.com. Check out his ebook packed with tips and strategies on how to attract a car, house, spouse or anything else you desire through prayer - almost everytime you pray at http://www.firesprings.com/prayer.htm

Overconsumption: America's Guiding Principle by Virginia Bola, PsyD

America is a nation based on the principle of over-consumption. We entered a pristine new world bursting with natural resources, long-drained from the old countries we had left. We plundered the hidden wealth of gold, and silver, and oil. We hunted the great herds of bison close to extinction. We dammed the great rivers, bridged the bays, polluted the seacoasts, and instantly felled tress that had taken centuries to mature.

And when we had done, we looked around the world with our voracious appetite, to see what else we could get our hands on. We consume the rest of the world's natural wealth with a terrifying, rapacious attitude: oil, natural gas, timber, steel, rubber, production goods, textiles, automobiles. A major portion of the earth's resources flow into the ever-open maw of the United States.

Can we ever change direction and find a balance between development and conservation?

Diminishing our consumption is going to be painful. It means giving up our spacious SUVs for hybrids. It means adjusting our thermostats to save energy when we would rather be comfortable. It means giving up our luscious steaks and burgers for beans, and rice, and vegetables.

We don't deal well with pain (just check out the analgesic aisle at your local drugstore). We don't deal well with discomfort (that's why we love our central heating and air conditioning). We don't deal well with deprivation (that's why we carry trillions of dollars in consumer debt). We don't deal well with moderation (that's why we're obese).

Can any culture, entrenched in its traditions and beliefs, make a concerted decision to change directions?

It can. Look at the changes wrought by the Reformation, the Renaissance, the age of exploration, the industrial revolution. African culture was forever changed by colonization, India transformed under the Raj, and the great civilizations of South America absorbed and redirected by Spain and Portugal.

America has a choice: it can transform itself through its own deliberate efforts or wait for outside forces (the depletion of oil, the greenhouse effect, the rise of anarchy in starving countries, the development and transmission of ever more virulent diseases) to mandate such a change.

To manage, control, and contain such change, we need to take, individually and collectively, critical actions now.


The government is charged with managing our natural resources and enormous tracts of rich land and forests. We may pressure our representatives to protect our environment but we abdicate our personal responsibility when we rely solely on government action.

As individuals, we can take steps, usually uncomfortable and often painful, to clean up our private environment. We can trade in our gas guzzlers for small, efficient, compacts. We can recycle our containers and packages and refuse to buy anything that contains Styrofoam or other non-biodegradable materials. We can pick up the litter that clogs our highways and rivers and beaches. We can adjust the temperature in our homes and offices. We can cut our food consumption in half to allow more food for the rest of the world. We can limit ourselves to two children per couple to reduce the population explosion that threatens not only the environment but our future lifestyle. We can direct our money and our business into companies that focus on green power, efficiency, and "smaller is better" planning. We can learn to live in less space and reward contractors who build smaller, earth-friendly homes instead of wasteful mansions. WE can learn to live in harmony with our neighbors by turning off our boomboxes and incessant cellular telephones to create quiet pools of serenity.

2.Reduced Demand.

The world of commerce exists to meet the demands of consumers, that is how companies make money. To keep making more and more money, new demands must be created. That demand is cleverly generated by the advertising gurus and marketers who have created a throw-away society where everything must be constantly replaced and products just a year or two old are considered outdated and useless.

As individuals, we can fight this money-producing yet ultimately destructive current. We can keep our cars until they wear out. We can update our electronic dfevices instead of replacing them. We can go back to actually repairing things - shoes, appliances, clothes, jewelry, buildings -instead of merely throwing them away into the ever-growing refiuse dumps and oceans and replacing them. WE can develop an attitude that gives social status and personal reinforcement to those who elect NOT to keep up with the Joneses. We can impart social stigmatism to those who exhibit conspicuous consumption and disregard for the environmental rights of all. And we can set self-imposed limits on ourselves by electing not to grab everything we want and learn to focus on what we need.


We are all familiar with the concept of pork barrel politics. It is an extension of our personal beliefs that we're entitled to something, even at the expense of others who want the same thing. We would all love regulations that control the actions of others that annoy us: "They should outlaw that . . . There oughta be a law . . . Why doesn't somebody stop them? . . ." However, when a law is proposed against something we enjoy, we fight tooth and nail to retain our rights and privileges.

For example, a non-golfer can make a very convincing argument that courses and country clubs are an unconscionable waste of valuable land, used only by the few who can afford to belong, which could be must more efficiently utilized for affordable housing or public parks. An avid golfer would be aghast at the thought of no more rolling greens peppered with little cups.

It's the old "not in MY backyard" way of thinking. Let's build more prisons, but not here. Let's create safe houses for the homeless and mentally ill, just not on my block. Let's build more airports to ease the congestion, but don't take off over my house. Let's build a super dump for our contaminated garbage, but not in my state.

We are willing to go along with almost anything as long as it doesn't infringe on our personal territory. We can develop a more balanced view when we realize that everything is everyone's territory. We share the same planet, the same finite resources, the same wants and needs.

When we move into such a collective mode, we can abandon our long-held territoriality and start to make collective decisions about what is most effective and logical for the most people.

The demand to share the pie equally usually comes from those who have no pie. If the person who already has the largest piece on their plate decides to put it back and share evenly with all, the meal, and the world, can be transformed.

About the Author

Virginia Bola is a licensed clinical psychologist with deep interests in Social Psychology and politics. She has performed therapeutic services for more than 20 years and has studied the effects of cultural forces and employment on the individual. The author of an interactive workbook, The Wolf at the Door: An Unemployment Survival Manual, and a monthly ezine, The Worker's Edge, she can be reached at http://drvirginiabola.blogspot.com

Pray off your debts - in 10 days or less by Elisha Goodman

It will all be clear in a minute, but first I have to ask you...

How would you like to be debt-free in 10 days or less?

Do you ever have those days where you just don't feel like getting out of bed?

Where you feel discouraged, that your christian journey is too long, too hard, and that maybe, just maybe, this whole thing of praying and expecting answers is like the
land of OZ and it only exists in stories?

Do you ever feel like you're all alone and you just can't do it, that maybe you won't ever be able to see the answers to your prayers?

Do you ever just wonder why you try?

Doreen, one of my readers says yes, she does.

In fact this morning she woke up and just really DID NOT want to get to work.

She didn't feel like thanking God.

She didn't feel like getting out of bed.

She didn't feel like praying at all.

She started asking herself all those ugly little doubtful questions...

Then she stopped and said, "This isn't like me. This feels crappy - I do NOT like this one bit!"

So she popped open her Bible and she just started flipping through.

Before long the Holy Spirit was answering her own questions...

No she's not alone.

Of course she can do it.

Yes she deserves to be debt-free because that's where God wants her to be.

Who is she?

She's a child of the Most High God, the possessor of the heavens and the earth.

And who are you ?

You're a joint heir with Christ, who is the first born among many brethren!

Do you deserve to be debt-free? Do you deserve all the success and prosperity you desire?


Now I know you get discouraged too - we all get discouraged - and that's why I started this email like this.

We all have those days where we just don't seem to get it together... and it feels like things will never change.

But the truth of the matter is, we have important things to do in the world - for the LORD.

YOU have important things to do in the world... that's why GOD brought you here.

To help us along the journey, God so graciously gave us His immortal Word. It works for all times and all seasons. For all peoples.

And more - He gave us His Holy Spirit ... to comfort us, help us, teach us, direct us!!!

When you feel like you are the Lone Ranger out against the world, you grab the Holy Scriptures for its words of inspiration from our father and you see the example of others who've been there before.

As soon as you open it Joseph, David, Hannah, Sarah, Jabez, Mary, Elizabeth, and dozens of others - ordinary men and women in the bible - are standing there
screaming and yelling, cheering you on, giving you the encouragement and support you need to carry on.

It's a very powerful feeling to be able to pick it up and flip through just a few pages and remember why we're alive and what we're here to do. Remember that we're here for a divine purpose, that we can fulfil it, that we HAVE to fulfil it... all by His grace and power.

You see the saints that have gone ahead of us - David, Joseph, Esther, Hannah, Abraham, plus the angels and all the others are cheering us on every minute according to the book of Hebrews 11-12.

I compiled these prayers to help get you out of debt. I'm constantly amazed at the testimonies of those who actually follow the instructions and pray the prayers.

I'm going to be offering them as an e-course in seven installments shortly.

Meanwhile, accept this 1st installment - and if you do the prayer WELL - you'll soon have an occasion to testify that God indeed still answers prayers.

When you pray these prayers well,

* You'll know you that God wants you out of debt... into abundance.

* You'll recognize divine opportunities when the Holy Spirit presents them to you.

* You'll know WHEN to take rapid action and WHEN to hold your peace.

* You'll know that God has the resources to back up ALL the promises He has ever made.

For your 1st installment, click on:


Please accept this gift and know that GOD has already given His angels charge... to get you out of debt and into abundance!

You will succeed in Jesus' name

P.S. Others have succeeded against all odds. It's NOW your turn!

Click on:


About the Author

Prayer coach Elisha Goodman helps busy people rapidly get results - through prayer. Learn more about his two golden key secrets that get prayers answered at: http://www.firesprings.com. Check out his ebook packed with tips and strategies on how to attract a car, house, spouse or anything else you desire through prayer - almost everytime you pray at http://www.firesprings.com/prayer.htm

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Debt Settlement Companies and How to Find the Right One by Jon Thomas

Debt settlement companies are available to help you reduce the amount of money that you owe to creditors as well as reduce the rate of interest and late charges that you are currently paying on your credit cards. Building credit history is crucial whether you already have debt or are just starting out managing your own finances. When it comes to financing of any kind you want to make sure that you have the best credit rating possible. This is so that when you need credit, such as a loan, that you’ll be able to qualify for the credit with little difficulty. There are several ways that you can boost your credit history so that it will be to your advantage when it comes to paying off your debt, such as consolidating a loan, or any other type of financing that you may be considering. However, if you are already deep in debt it may be almost impossible for you to qualify for any new credit until you get your current debt situation under control.

Your goal should be to establish a system of good money management so that your creditors can take notice of this when they look at your financial situation. You’ll want to make sure that you make all of your payments early or on time. Paying your debt on time includes paying your car insurance on or before the due date as well as your utility bill. Once again, your goal is to show your creditors that you can manage your finances even when you’re in debt. If you find that you have too many payments to make each month you may need to think about other ways to pay back your debt. Debt settlement companies are one method of debt reduction that you may want to consider.

Never abuse your credit. You need to learn to use your credit wisely so that you don’t run up high debt. Don’t make unnecessary purchases with your credit cards or apply for other financing that you don’t really need. It’s also important that you stay within your credit limit. When you start to spend over your credit limit you’ll soon find yourself in deep debt. And many credit companies will make you pay a penalty when you go over your credit limit. Debt settlement companies can help you learn to manage your money by assigning you to a personal debt counselor. Don’t be too quick to dismiss this idea since a counselor can help you learn to manage your money now and in the future.

A debt settlement company will help you deal with the harassment that you may be facing from your creditors by contacting them on your behalf. Debt Settlement Companies will help you avoid filing for bankruptcy by finding alternative methods of managing your debt.


About the Author
Jon Thomas has been involved in finance and insurance, specializing in emerging growth markets since 1979. He continues to write articles concerning the public and their pressing financial concerns.

"Rich or Poor - Get the Knowledge" by Gary Simpson

Most people work hard all their lives only to "retire" poor then try to live off meagre savings or a small (rapidly disappearing) Government pension. They are forced to live out their twilight years struggling with constant money problems. Many of them have to buy only the cheapest food and are unable to enjoy the little pleasures of life like going to an occasional movie, eating out or taking short trips. They have to watch every cent they spend.

If only these people had saved, on a consistent basis, just a small percentage of their earnings and set it aside.

George Classon, in his marvelous book called "The Richest Man in Babylon" suggests that putting aside just "ten percent of what we earn and investing it", is enough to make for a comfortable retirement.

Let me ask you a question. Are you saving a percentage of what you earn or are you like most people who spend everything? Alarmingly, there are new statistics which suggest that most people, in fact, are spending more than what they earn. The latest studies are saying people are currently spending 104% of their income.

It sounds impossible, doesn't it? It's not! The advent of credit cards has led to spiraling debt. Multiple credit cards and "store" cards allow people to buy now and pay later. I call this "payment by the twelfth". I refer, of course to that famous Johnny Mathis song "The Twelfth of Never". Many use the "roundabout" system of using one credit card to pay for another and so on. This is a recipe for disaster.

I recommend you purchase "The Richest Man in Babylon" and study it. The information it contains can make a positive impact on the way you handle your finances. At least if you read the book and understand it you can make a conscious choice to ignore its wisdom. You are then in a position to decide whether you want to be rich or poor because you will have the knowledge.

There is no better time than right NOW to start becoming responsible with money and investing for your future. What you keep putting off today will eventually return to haunt you when you have a diminished capacity to do anything about it. In other words, the longer you leave it the more difficult it will become. You cannot work forever. Eventually, the day will come when you will either want to retire or you will be forced to retire.

Rich or poor - get the knowledge!

[If you like this article and would like to use it on your own website or ezine you may do so ONLY if the article is not changed in any way and the final paragraph: "About the author", with all links intact, is included.]

About the Author
About the author: Gary Simpson is the author of eight books covering a diverse range of subjects such as self esteem, affirmations, self defense, finance and much more. His articles appear all over the web. Gary's email address is budo@iinet.net.au. Click here to go to his Motivation & Self Esteem for Success website.

Bootstrap Financing Your Way to Business Success by J. Stephen Pope

Bootstrap Financing Your Way to Business Success
by J. Stephen Pope

Do you need to start or grow your business but have little money? Before you look to banks and similar sources of financing, why not bootstrap your way to business success?

A bootstrap is a small loop of leather or other material that is found on the top rear or sides of a boot. The purpose of the bootstrap is to help you pull your boot on.

In business, bootstrapping has come to mean helping oneself without seeking outside help. It means using your own resources to finance, promote, and develop your business.

Here, then, are some ways of financing your own business by using your own initiative and depending less on outside bank financing.

1. Operate a Home-Based Business

Operating your business from home could save you a fortune. First of all, you eliminate the costs of expensive commercial rent, commuting, et cetera.

As well, your business use of home expenses would be deductible for income tax purposes. Since your home is your base of operations, your travel and automotive
expenses from your home to clients would be deductible.

2. Accept Credit Cards

Rather than financing receivables and assuming the risk for bad debts, why not accept credit card payments?

For more information about accepting credit cards, visit:

3. Drop Ship Products

Rather than financing and stocking inventory yourself, consider drop shipping.

With drop shipping, when you make a sale you contact the manufacturer or authorized distributor who ships the product to the customer with your invoice and
shipping label. Advantages include no warehousing, shipping, or inventory costs.

For more information about drop shipping, visit

4. Use Your Customer`s Money

Selling memberships, subscriptions, gift certificates, and coupon books are just a few ways of getting your clients to pay upfront. Obtaining advance deposits
and retainers from your customers can help finance your business operations and reduce or eliminate the need for bank financing.

5. Licensing

Instead of trying to finance the manufacturing and marketing of your invention, which could cost millions of dollars before you have your first sale, why not license it to a company with the necessary expertise and capital?
You will then receive royalties in return for your idea.

For more information about licensing, visit:

6. Other Bootstrap Financing Methods

Aggressively control costs, barter, get extended terms from suppliers, establish strict credit and collection policies and procedures, rent (or lease) instead of buying equipment, buy used equipment instead of new, sell off excess inventory
and equipment, obtain free publicity instead of paying for advertising, and do whatever else is necessary to generate cashflow and profits.

In these ways and many others not listed here, you may be able to start and grow your business successfully with very limited capital. Thus, you will avoid having to obtain expensive debt or equity financing.

Many who were unable to obtain financing from any other source have successfully bootstrapped their way to business success.

For more information about financing your business,
visit: http://www.yenommarketinginc.com/financing.html


J. Stephen Pope, President of Pope Consulting Inc.,
http://www.popeconsultinginc.com/ has been helping
clients to earn maximum business profits for over
twenty-five years.

For valuable Work at Home Small Business Ideas,
visit: http://www.yenommarketinginc.com/

About the Author

J. Stephen Pope, President of Pope Consulting Inc.,
http://www.popeconsultinginc.com/ has been helping
clients to earn maximum business profits for over
twenty-five years.

For valuable Work at Home Small Business Ideas,
visit: http://www.yenommarketinginc.com/

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Good vs. Bad Credit Debt by Gary Gresham

Do you know the difference between good and bad credit debt? Most everyone seems to think that all debt is bad, but that is not always the case. In fact, there are some instances where good debt can actually help your financial situation.

The differences between good debt and bad credit debt will affect every loan you get and can even make the difference in getting a new job. Here are a few examples of what determines good debt vs. bad credit debt.

Good Debt

Good debt includes anything that is too expensive to pay cash for but is still something you need. Buying a home is an example of taking on good debt because you need a place to live.

Most mortgages have lower interest rates compared to high interest debt like credit cards. As long as your monthly payment is within your budget, a mortgage gives you an excellent credit reference.

Financing a car is another example of good debt especially if you plan to drive it after your loan payments have stopped. The key thing to remember is shop for the lowest interest rate possible.

Sometimes taking out a home equity loan makes sense to pay for a car because the interest rate is lower than an auto loan and the interest is tax deductible.

Having good debt and making payments on time gives you a good credit rating. That good rating allows you to borrow more money at better interest rates and can possibly help your financial position.

Bad Credit Debt

Bad credit debt is any form of debt with a high interest rate for things you really don't need. An example would be to charge an expensive vacation on a credit card that you can't really afford.

The worst form of bad credit debt is credit card debt because it carries the highest interest rates. It's easy to over extend yourself with credit cards and it is by far the way most people acquire bad credit debt.

The quickest way to recover from bad credit debt is to pay credit card debt down or pay it off completely. The best way to pay credit card debt down is start with the highest interest rate card first. Then, pay on the debt with the next highest rate until you have paid off all of your credit card debt.

Bad credit debt can also happen if you are continually late on paying back borrowed money or you don't pay it back at all. Once your credit rating is affected in a negative way, it will hurt you financially.

Bad credit debt can keep you from qualifying for loans, credit cards and may even hurt your chance for new employment. Even if you could qualify for a loan, it would be at a higher interest rate than if you had good credit.

The smartest thing you can do is to pay your credit card debt off as quickly as possible to avoid paying the high interest. While good debt will help you financially, bad credit debt will have the opposite affect.

In today's world it's next to impossible to live debt-free so it's important to know the difference between good and bad credit debt.

Copyright © 2005 Credit Repair Facts.com All Rights Reserved.

About the Author
This article is supplied by http://www.credit-repair-facts.com where you will find credit information, debt elimination programs and informative articles that give you the knowledge to correct your own credit and credit report. For more credit related articles like these go to: http://www.credit-repair-facts.com/articles_1.html

Five Hot Tips To Get Out Of Debt Forever by Rhiannon Williamson

The financial and psychological burden of being in debt causes us and our families continuous emotional stress. That stress eats away at the quality of our lives and leaves us feeling powerless, angry, depressed and helpless.

But there is a way out – in fact, there are five simple and straightforward ways out of debt - and if you apply this five point plan to your life today you will have taken the first step on your personal road to debt free living for life.

1)Acquire No New Debt.

You have to make the commitment to yourself and your family that together you will take on no new forms of debt TODAY. Agree from this point forward that you will not take out a loan for a new car, you will not re-mortgage and cash in your equity to afford home improvements, you will refrain from filling in new credit or store card application forms and you will destroy all those credit and store cards you already have.

Break the pattern of living beyond your means TODAY.

2)Begin To Track Your Money.

Starting right now go and get the paper work for all of your regular bills, any loans, debts, credit card statements etc. and also the details of any income you receive each month from your job, any benefits you get or savings income - and put all of the paperwork on the table in front of you.

Step by step go through each one. List on a piece of paper what you have coming in each month and then list what you have going out each month – for this one do it in two separate columns…column one should be your essential bills for every day living including your mortgage, electric, water, gas etc., and column two should be the amount of debt you have. Write down all of the money owed on each credit card, any loan amounts you have outstanding and also detail the minimum and required monthly amounts for each one.

Now you know exactly how much you have to live on, how much you have to pay out each month to live and exactly how much you have to find each month to pay debts.

Every month go through the same process – once you have this whole five point plan in place you will notice that the amounts you owe will reduce each month and you will find it easier to afford your month to month essential living expenses. If you don’t keep a track of what you spend it has been proven that you will spend up to 10% more than you can actually afford each month so your debt will grow and grow and grow exponentially forever unless you break the pattern TODAY.

3)Negotiate Better Interest Rates And Better Payment Terms

Step 2 should’ve highlighted the amount you have in debt and the amount you have to pay out each month for each debt. Taking each debt at a time – and include your mortgage in this – look at the amount of interest you are paying on every single debt you have and also read contract small print to find out about any penalties you may incur if you pay back loans early.

Find out whether you can re-mortgage (for the same amount NOT to release equity) and take advantage of a lower interest rate and also the ability to pay off lump sums of your mortgage each year. Look at transferring credit cards to those offering lower interest rates and even 0% interest on balance transfers for a fixed period. DO NOT increase your credit limit, DO NOT use this as an excuse to add another credit card to your list! If you do find a company willing to take on your balance transfers cancel all other credit cards immediately you have paid them back. Now find out whether there are any LEGITIMATE loan companies offering lower interest rates than the companies you are already with and consider consolidating these other loans under one with a lower interest rate. Again, DO NOT use this as an excuse to take out yet another loan!

Once you have looked into any of the above ways for reducing your interest burden on your debt, if you are left with a number of credit cards or other debts that cannot be moved and thereby reduced, consider writing to your credit card company or loan company and asking about renegotiating the terms. If you don’t ask you don’t get! There is no guarantee that they will agree to lowering interest rates for you for a fixed period or agree to accepting a lower monthly amount if that is all you have worked out you can afford, but if you explain the situation you’re in and the action you’re taking they may be willing to help.

4)Create Your Debt Payment System.

Now you will have a complete picture of what has to be paid and to whom each month and exactly how much money you have to pay them. List each debt with the highest interest incurring one at the top all the way down to the lowest interest incurring one at the bottom. List the minimum amount you have to pay each month for each debt and ensure you pay it on time every month….without fail.

Any spare money you have left at the end of the month use it to pay off an extra slice of debt number one. When that is paid off move on to debt number two and so on and so forth until, in time you will have paid off every single debt you ever had!!!

5)Continue The Pattern For Life

Once you have paid off every single debt you ever had and you have resisted the urge to take on any new debts take the extra amount you have left over each month after paying off your living costs and put it away…put it in an interest bearing account and for the first time grow your money. Get a financial safety net behind you that will protect you for life from ever having to get into debt again as the result of a rainy day, an essential new car or a much deserved holiday. And get into the pattern of enjoying every single debt free day…forever.

Start on the road to debt free living today – take control back!

About the Author
Rhiannon Williamson is a freelance writer whose articles about money matters and investing have appeared in many major financial publications throughout the world.

You can find more of her articles at:-

Friday, August 05, 2005

Debt Reduction Solutions by Mark Lambie

Finding solutions to reducing your debt takes some thinking and research on your part. You have some good choices available to you and we shall list these key debt reduction solutions for you right here:

1. Home Equity Loan or Home Equity Line of Credit. Your 21% charge card can be reduced to nearly 6% over night. How? By taking out a line of credit or equity loan against your home. Equity loans and lines of credit are available at low rates and banks are very willing to extend this service to you as your home is your collateral. Pay off all of your credit card debt with the loan and you will achieve debt reduction solutions immediately.

2. Replace high interest credit cards with low interest cards. Yes, in this day of low interest rates, many credit cards carry high interest rates. Ask your credit card issuer to reduce their rate closer to market rates. If they refuse to budge, consider applying for a low interest rate card from another provider. Transfer your balance to the provider offering the best rate.

3. Debt reduction solutions can be realized through the selling of other assets including: an extra car, antiques, jewelry, extra property, renting out property, or liquidating some other assets. Check around your home and see if there is something that you owe that can be sold on eBay or locally at a yard sale. Take the proceeds from your sale and pay down your debt, starting with the biggest debt first.

4. If you do not owe a home, or the home you do own has negligible equity built up then you cannot get equity from your home. Still, depending on your income, you may be eligible for mortgage refinancing below market rates. Check with your bank or local housing authority to see if you qualify for a low or moderate income loan. The savings you realize through reduced mortgage payments may help you pay down your debt.

Finding debt reduction solutions that work for you is an important first step in eliminating debt. Make a plan and stick with it and you will soon be living a debt free/care free life.

About the Author
Mark Lambie is the founder of Fast Debt Settlement We provide a free service that matches you with debt consolidation specialists

Thursday, August 04, 2005

How to Find Your Way Out of Debt by Ken Austin

If you are in debt over your head and wondering if you will ever find a way out, the answer is yes! Serious financial problems can make life miserable and cause a great deal of stress and worry. Many people have found themselves in the situation of avoiding calls from creditors and wondering how they will ever get out of debt. Debt relief is not impossible. There is a way out of debt and you can be on your way to financial freedom in a shorter period of time that you ever thought possible.

Making minimum payments on your unsecured debt is almost pointless. It could take 30 years or longer before you are able to pay off your debts. Debt relief companies can help you reduce the amount of interest you pay so that more of your payments go toward paying the principle amount. Living from paycheck to paycheck is no fun and can make you feel as if you will never find the path to financial security. There is relief in sight from those overwhelming debts, endless calls from creditors, and harassing letters.

When seeking debt relief, there are several options, one of which is bankruptcy. This is an option for some, but changes in bankruptcy laws have made it impractical for most. Debt consolidation loans are another option. You may be able to consolidate all your debt into one monthly payment and reduce the amount of interest you are paying, saving you a lot of money in interest and fees. Another option is contacting a debt relief company that can contact your creditors on your behalf and negotiate the terms and payment amounts, saving you hundreds or more dollars each month.

There is a lot of conflicting information about debt relief and what is the best way to go about solving your financial problems. Contact a professional debt relief expert today and you can be on your way to financial freedom and security.

About the Author
Ken Austin is the webmaster at http://www.hazeydee.com
and http://creditrelief.kraustin.com

Debt elimination: Legal! Lawful! Ethical! Debt elimination really works. by Natasha Anderson

You are trying hard to eliminate your loans but keep falling back on your old ways. This constantly leads you back to square one situation and debts seem like they are ever increasing. This is the time to go for debt elimination. The good news is that you are not alone, if you are thinking about debt elimination. The bad news is you still haven’t really started this journey. That means you are still in debt.

It is always difficult to know which way to start from. Average household debt in UK is £44857 including mortgage and £7,694 excluding mortgage.UK has seen a rapid increase in household debts which means that more than half of the people have trouble meeting their monthly payments, and being driven further and further into debt. With an average family having 14 credit cards, and various other debts – debt elimination seems only logical. However, debt elimination doesn’t always seem easy.

Before going for debt elimination, you have to understand your debt situation. Understanding debt elimination is equally necessary. Then only you would be able to decide which one would eliminate both the creditors and debts from your life. You have an interesting compilation to choose from. Debt elimination includes – debt consolidation loans, debt management, debt consolidation, debt negotiation, debt settlement, debt counselling etc.

Debt consolidation loans are a very popular way to debt elimination. Overdue bills payment, each month, is devastating for financial freedom. Debt consolidation loans can certainly reduce your monthly payments and your interest rates. Debt elimination with debt consolidation reduces your debt by consolidating all your credit card debts, auto loans, education loans, unsecured loans into a single loan. You can save a lot while moving towards debt elimination.

A very important process in debt elimination is debt management. Debt management looks for a financial plan that suits your financial circumstance. A debt elimination plan would consolidate all your unsecured debts into single, affordable monthly payment. This payment is carefully calculated by a trained debt consultant, who with the debtor’s assistance reviews their financial position and quote a payment which ensures financial control. This amount is calculated keeping in mind the monthly expenses of the debtor. This debt elimination sees to it that the debtor doesn’t miss any of his commitment like mortgage, rent, car finance, utility bills etc.

Debt elimination with debt counselling can provide you with debt advice for financial planning. This sort of debt elimination would prevent you from getting into future debt. Debt counselling services can talk to your creditors about reducing interest rate, eliminating late fees and extending loan term. For debt elimination, search a debt counselling agency that is the member of National Foundation for Credit Counselling (NFCC) or the Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counseling Agencies (AICCCA).

Debt elimination through debt negotiation is one of the fastest ways to remove credit card debts and personal loans while avoiding bankruptcy. By negotiating debt, debt can be reduced by 40%-60%. Debt elimination via negotiation is like the last resort. The lender has little enthusiasm to work out reconciliation for a payless on the full amount. Hence, debt negotiation is a tricky situation and should be handled by a reliable debt negotiator. Yet, at times debt elimination through negotiation is the only logical solution. Under normal circumstances debt counselling should be the first step.

Debts are not meant to be a permanent affair. It is one affair you will regret unquestionably. Debt elimination is the beginning of the road called debt free. You cannot separate one from the other. They are related and go hand in hand with each other. If you have struggled a good deal with loans and that too with unsuccessful results then debt elimination is meant for you. The destination called debt free begins with debt elimination.

After having herself gone through the ordeal of loan borrowing, Natasha Anderson understands the need for good quality loan advice. Her articles endeavor to provide you the wise counsel in the most elementary way for the benefit of the readers. She hopes that this will help them to locate the loan that beseems their expectations. She works for the UK debt consolidation web site uk debt consolidations.To find a debt consolidation loans,debt management,debt advicec that best suits your needs visit http://www.ukdebtconsolidations.co.uk

About the Author
After having herself gone through the ordeal of loan borrowing, Natasha Anderson understands the need for good quality loan advice.She works for the UK debt consolidation web site uk debt consolidations.To find a debt consolidation loans,debt management,debt advicec that best suits your needs visit http://www.ukdebtconsolidations.co.uk

Securing Debt Consolidation Secured Loans by John Mussi

If you're like most people, then you've got debt in your life… and if that debt is getting out of hand, you might want to consider debt consolidation secured loans.

These loans are designed for people who find themselves in debt beyond their means to reasonably pay it back; the loans pay off either a portion or the total sum of their debts so that there is only a low monthly loan payment instead of the various debts that were consolidated.

Being a type of secured loan, collateral of some kind is required so that the loans can be extended even to those people who have had credit problems in the past.

Debt consolidation secured loans are useful in avoiding bankruptcy as well as simply getting a person's life back on track.

Determining the best collateral

Collateral is some property of value that is used to guarantee that a lender will get their money back, either by repayment or by repossessing and selling the collateral property.

In debt consolidation secured loans, it is used to guarantee that the lender will be repaid even though the person borrowing the money may have had credit problems in the past; because of this, specific types of collateral are preferred over others. Real estate and vehicles such as cars and trucks are the most common collateral for debt consolidation secured loans, in no small part because of the ease with which a lender can determine the value and find a market for them.

The collateral with the highest value should be used to guarantee the debt consolidation secured loans, since a greater value in comparison to the loan amount can help you to get lower interest rates and better loan terms… meaning that you may end up paying less than you would if you used collateral with a lower value to guarantee your debt consolidation secured loans

Shopping for the best deal

Like most things, the rates that you are offered for debt consolidation secured loans may vary from lender to lender.

You should get quotes from several different lenders on the same loan amount and collateral, not dedicating yourself to any particular debt consolidation secured loans until you've had a chance to fully explore your options.

Check with locally-owned banks and finance companies first, as they are sometimes more flexible with their rates, and take time to carefully compare all of the quotes that you receive for debt consolidation secured loans. After you've determined which lender has the best offer, go back to them and complete your application.

Make sure that you repay your loan on time (or early, if possible)… not only can it improve your credit score, but it can also help establish good business relationships that can help you to get better rates in the future.

You may freely reprint this article provided the following author's biography (including the live URL link) remains intact:

About the Author
John Mussi is the founder of Direct Online Loans who help homeowners find the best available loans via the www.directonlineloans.co.uk website.

Getting a Debt Consolidation Loan with Bad Credit by John Mussi

If you've ever tried to get a debt consolidation loan with bad credit, then you know that it isn't always easy. It may seem odd that you can have such trouble being approved for a loan designed to help people who are in debt, but many lenders can be hesitant to give money to a person who has a history of not repaying.

It is possible to get a debt consolidation loan with bad credit, however… you just need to know what the banks and lending companies are looking at and how to make them see you as worth the risk.

Bad credit isn't the end

If you have credit problems, then you might feel as though you've reached the end of your rope… after all, if you can't get a debt consolidation loan with bad credit then how can you possibly hope to repay your debt and improve your credit?

The problem here isn't that you have bad credit… the problem likely is that you're looking for a solution as though you don't have bad credit.

There are many lenders who specialize in working with people who have bad credit, and will offer debt consolidation loan with bad credit; the trick is to find them.

Often, banks and finance companies that turn you down will be able to make suggestions on where you might go… and an internet search or two will usually end in multiple hits for possible lenders.

High-value collateral for lower-value loans

If you're having problems finding a lender while you're asking for the total value of your collateral, then you probably need to lower your sights a little bit.

One of the keys to getting a debt consolidation loan with bad credit is to guarantee your lender that they'll get their money back… and that's your collateral's job.

Asking for less than the total value of your collateral is a good way to get an approval that you otherwise might not get; after all, asking for £5,000 and offering property that's valued in the £7,000 range is an easy way to get the point across that they'll get their money no matter what.

Do your best beforehand

Applying for a debt consolidation loan with bad credit can make it seem like you're simply looking for an easy way out, especially if you haven't been making any attempt at repaying what you owe.

Do the best that you can to make as many payments as you can in the weeks and months leading up to your application… after all, a lender is more likely to give you a debt consolidation loan with bad credit if you can show that you're making an attempt but need some help instead of just sitting there waiting for money to come from somewhere else to pay your debts.

You may freely reprint this article provided the following author's biography (including the live URL link) remains intact:

About the Author
John Mussi is the founder of Direct Online Loans who help homeowners find the best available loans via the www.directonlineloans.co.uk website.

What You Need to Know About Debt Consolidation Loans UK by John Mussi

Should you find yourself over your head in debt, you might want to start looking into debt consolidation loans UK . These loans are designed for the person who needs help in taking care of their outstanding debt, keeping them from bankruptcy.

Much like conventional secured loans, debt consolidation loans UK are more or less marketed toward those with credit problems… enabling them to consolidate a portion (if not all) of their debts into a single lower monthly payment.

Debt consolidation loans UK tend to have a few advantages over conventional loans… they're usually easier for people with poor credit to get, they sometimes offer better rates than other loans that the person could apply for, and some debtors will even offer lower repayment rates to people who are consolidating their debt.

How debt consolidation loans UK work

Since debt consolidation loans UK are still loans, they need to be applied for at a bank or other lender. Some companies specialize in this type of loan almost exclusively, whereas others deal in these loans as well as more conventional home or auto loans. In most cases, you need to be able to show the various debts that you hold as well as statements of income, a stable residence, and collateral.

Once you've been approved for your loan, the actual consolidation can occur in several different ways. In some cases, the lender will process the payments for you (as is the case with some companies that specialize in debt consolidation loans UK .) In other cases, you'll be issued either a check or a line of credit and are responsible for making the debt payments yourself.

Either way, the money that you borrow is used to pay off some or all of your debt and instead of paying your outstanding debts you simply pay the money to repay the loan.

Debt consolidation loans UK are often secured loans

In most cases, debt consolidation loans UK are secured loans, meaning that they have some sort of collateral required as a security for the loan. Automobiles and real estate are most often used as collateral, though depending upon the lender precious metals or other valuables can sometimes be used.

Regardless of the collateral used, its purpose is to insure that the loan will be repaid… after all, if you don't repay the money that was lent to you, then the lender is able to take possession of your collateral and sell it in order to recover their lost money (often for considerably less than the value of the collateral.)

Keep in mind, however, that pretty much all lenders who offer debt consolidation loans UK would much rather you simply repay the loan than have to sell off your collateral.

After all, they get off a lot cheaper and with a lot less time involved if they don't have to hire someone to take possession, then find a seller, and process the sale… because of this, many lenders are willing to work with you to help you catch up should you fall behind on your payments.

You may freely reprint this article provided the following author's biography (including the live URL link) remains intact:

About the Author
John Mussi is the founder of Direct Online Loans who help homeowners find the best available loans via the www.directonlineloans.co.uk website.

Debt consolidation makes sense ‘only’ with low interest rates by Natasha Anderson

Credit that cannot be managed or is not being repaid requires debt consolidation. Debt consolidation offers borrowers with a chance to repay their high interest loans at low interest rate. You must be thinking, ‘it sounds good, but how is it possible.’ How can high interest loans repaid at low interest.

This is how debt consolidation works – it replaces multiple unsecured loans with single loan. As compared to several different loans, you obtain one single low interest rate loan. The single monthly payment on this loan is divided to repay the individual loans. This will also make your debt situation manageable. Debt consolidation should be accompanied with low interest rates; otherwise debt consolidation doesn’t make any sense.

It is almost mandatory to find debt consolidation with low interest rate. Otherwise, it would mean financial mishap of the worst kind. You might end up paying more in the long run. Debt consolidation plan can have serious shortcomings to if the plan is not carefully structured.

Finding a good low interest debt consolidation is not always easy. However, an extensive research can certainly open ways to find one. First of all it is important to understand that your financial situation is unique, so what works for your neighbour might not work for you. Your debt consolidation plan will be as unique as your financial status.

While looking for debt consolidation, keep in mind why you are looking for debt consolidation. You are trying to cut off your monthly payment, looking for low interest rate, low fees and a loan term that does not stretch beyond a few years. A longer loan term with low monthly payments would mean paying more. A debt consolidation loan should not stretch beyond 3-5 years and maximum upto 10 years. There are numerous companies offering debt consolidation online. Settle on the company which offers low interest rate debt consolidation with least hassle.

A way to debt consolidation is through credit cards. This debt consolidation would not require you to place collateral, so it can be a good option. Good credit history would provide you with low interest rate. Ask your current creditor what interest rates would be offered, in case you transfer balances from other credit cards to theirs. A low rate that is fixed with no transfer fee would be ideal. Otherwise, shop for a new credit card. However, don’t go overboard with your credit search. Numerous credit applications would have a negative impact on your credit report.

You can use equity in your house for debt consolidation at low interest. A 100% refinance would tap the equity in your house to repay loan and bills. Refinancing at low interest rate would mean getting rid of high interest rate loans with low monthly payment. Another way to tap on the equity is equity home loans. Home equity loan with fixed interest rate over a fixed period of time is an option. Also, you can take up home equity line of credit. Here you borrow upto a pre approved credit limit and borrow more if you still have money. These loans are offered with low interest rate and good repayment options and have great deals. With home equity loans, however, there is always a risk of losing the property if you fail to repay.

A debt consolidation loan that is unsecured would not come with low interest rates. Since you are offering no security, they imply risk to the loan lender. A loan lender would try to minimize his risk with higher interest rate. But with good credit, you might find exactly what you need. Try to look for another way to debt consolidation if interest rates are high. Calculate the cost of the entire loan term, before you settle on a debt consolidation loan.

Debt consolidation sounds like a very beneficial proposition to most of the borrowers but it may not always be good for ‘your’ finances. It is possible that with debt consolidation you end up paying a lot more interest rate. It is very essential to know whether debt consolidation is serving the purpose it is opted for, mainly, lowering interest rates.

Debt consolidation works as a boost to your credit situation. If you are looking for debt consolidation, you would be treated favourably because you are making an attempt to repay. And if you make your repayments on time, you will certainly be improving your credit. A positive credit history would make room for better finance options.

Debt consolidation in most of the cases is a good idea. But you need to be disciplined with your finances, henceforth. So, when you have finally opted for debt consolidation – no more loan borrowing. You don’t want to get deeper into debt. Without a plan and self restraint, debt consolidation won’t work. Debt consolidation with low interest rate would apply if you have only one thing in your mind – getting out of debt.

After having herself gone through the ordeal of loan borrowing, Natasha Anderson understands the need for good quality loan advice. Her articles endeavor to provide you the wise counsel in the most elementary way for the benefit of the readers. She hopes that this will help them to locate the loan that beseems their expectations. She works for the UK debt consolidation web site uk debt consolidations.To find a debt consolidation loans,debt management,debt advicec that best suits your needs visit http://www.ukdebtconsolidations.co.uk

About the Author
After having herself gone through the ordeal of loan borrowing, Natasha Anderson understands the need for good quality loan advice.he works for the UK debt consolidation web site uk debt consolidations.To find a debt consolidation loans,debt management,debt advicec that best suits your needs visit http://www.ukdebtconsolidations.co.uk

What is Bad Debt? by Doctor Edward C Hamlyn MBChB

We imagine that when we borrow money or owe money and fail to pay, we become a bad debt.

But when we see a bank making a profit of $10.64 billion, whilst boasting $3.28 billion of bad debts, we can be puzzled.

When the top brass of that bank tells us, that they are in the business of making money and only made $10.64 billion instead of $13.92 billion, we then understand, that a bad debt to a bank, is a failed fraud.

Banks have a monopoly business of issuing new money as credit.

This is a very lucrative business of making money out of nothing. Even if the fraud doesn't work, because the credit does not turn into money, a lot of money is still made. Someone accepts credit as a loan of money and then does not redeem the loan. The bank calls it a bad debt, even if the interest paid on the credit is an amount greater than what is owed.

When we realise how much money the banks spend on seducing us into debt, we can understand what the banks mean, when it gets a bit difficult to seduce us, as fast as they desire.

They then say that the economy is in a decline, that interest rates are too high, that recruitment of useless and destructive bureaucrats has cooled off a bit, that home seekers are outbidding each other with cheap money, with a little less frenzy and Douglas Flint of HSBC warns his shareholders that the rat race might slow a little, the runners getting weak, and difficulties lie ahead.

To HSBC bad debts are the debts they failed to establish. The loss of a few billion from a failure to redeem some of those loans, is dismissed as mere "upstick".

The hard graft of the Credit Trade creates a rising tide of prosperity for all banks. They are urged to unite in measures to set their frauds in solid gold.

About the Author
Dr Hamlyn is a founding member of the Royal College of General Practitioners, a veteran of WW II, retired farmer and practicing medical doctor. He is a prolific and articulate voice on the subject of monetary reform. www.monetaryreform.org

Small Business Debt Collection Law Cheat Sheet by Joel Walsh

In your small business debt collection laws will eventually become important, as your debt grows and some clients do not pay.

To collect small business debts legally, you must first send a written notice that collections have begun, within five days of first contacting the debtor for collections (for instance, within five days of calling on the telephone). The letter must include dispute instructions.

Small Business Debt Collection Laws Forbidden Practices

  • Collect any amount beyond the actual debt, unless you really can do so legally.

  • Continue collections on a debt if the debtor has disputed the debt, unless you provide the debtor with written proof.

  • Continue contacting the debtor if within 30 days of first contact, the debtor disputes the debt.

  • Credit a payment the debtor has made to a non-disputed debt to a debt the debtor has disputed.

  • Deposit a post-dated check before the post-date.

Small Business Debt Collections Laws: What You Can't Say

  • Give a false name.

  • You are an attorney or government representative, if you are not.

  • You have an attorney working for you or that you are going to assign the case to an attorney, if you really do not.

  • The debtor has committed a crime, unless you are 100% sure they have.

  • You work for a credit bureau, if you really do not.

  • The debt is more or less money than it actually is.

  • You are sending or have sent legal forms when you really did not.

  • You are sending or have sent papers that are not legal forms, if they really are legal forms.

  • The debtor will be arrested--no one is arrested for nonpayment of debts anymore.

  • You will seize, garnish, attach, or sell the debtor's property or wages, if you do not really intend to or cannot legally do so (and unless the debt is secured with collateral, you probably cannot).

  • You will sue or take other legal action, if you do not really intend to, or are not legally able to do so.

Small Business Debt Collection Laws Forbidden Third-Party Disclosures


  • Give any credit-related information that is not 100% accurate.

  • Tell anyone other than the debtor that you are collecting a debt.

  • Telephone any number other than the debtor's more than once.

Small Business Debt Collection Phone Calls


  • Call after 9 pm or before 8 am.

  • Forget to give your name and your company's name.

  • Call repeatedly or in a way intended to annoy.

  • Make a collect call.

  • Make any threats.

  • Use profane or obscene language.

  • Leave a message that reveals this is a debt collection.

Small Business Debt Collection Mailing

Never send:

  • Postcards.

  • Envelopes or mailings with any reference to debt collection on the exterior.

  • Anything that looks like an official, legal, or government document, if it is not.

Please note this page is not intended to give legal advice and may not be complete or up to date with the most current collection laws changes.

About the Author
Joel Walsh has written more tips on debt collection law: http://www.debt-collection-laws.com/?%20debt%20collection%20law
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Get out of Debt - Top 5 Reasons you need to Consolidate Loans by Dion Semeniuk

Today, the number of people filing for bankruptcy has skyrocketed by 44% in just the past 10 years with numbers continuing to climb. Consumer credit has reached an all-time high, leaving more and more people in debt. While we need consumer spending to maintain and grow the economy, when money and credit are misused, disaster strikes.

Unfortunately, people are notorious for abusing money and before they know it, they are in completely over their heads with no way to get out – or so they think. In truth, there are options for getting out of debt, staying out of debt, and rebuilding
damaged credit. Below, you will find the top five reasons for taking back control of your life with a debt consolidation loan or student consolidation loan.

Keeping your Home

Considering that the average cost of a home today is close to $175,000, it is easy to see why mortgages can zap a large part of a person’s income. However, with interest rates now at a serious low and being a homeowner an excellent investment, this is the time to save your home. If you find that you are being swallowed up by bills and your mortgage is getting further and further behind, a debt consolidation loan could not only get you caught up on payments but also make owning your home more
manageable and enjoyable.

Going to School

Unfortunately, there are people all across the country that would love to go to school or go back to school to complete a degree. However, the high cost associated with tuition, books, and supplies makes it impossible for many people due to the high
level of bills. In fact, with so many people working two jobs just to stay above water financially, trying to fit in the cost of the classroom is simply too difficult.

However, by choosing a debt consolidation loan or student consolidation loan, you can get all of your outstanding debt under control. With this type of loan, everything is wrapped into one loan at a great interest rate and with payment
schedules, you can afford. With that, your bills would be far more management, allowing you to earn the coveted degree that will only push you further into success.

Credit Card Interest Rates

Sadly, many credit card companies lure people into having a credit card, offering great credit limits and convenience. However, these same companies are charging anywhere between 20% to 25% interest on a single credit card. Multiple that by
several credit cards and there is no way the individual could pay off the debt. Today, the average balance on a credit card is $9,000 and most people have five or more cards.

Unfortunately, people do not realize that if they had even a $1,000 balance and were to pay the minimum payment with a high interest rate, they would be paying on that one credit card debt for 20 years or more before finally getting it paid off, just
because of the interest. That means they are spending thousands and thousands of dollars just for the “privilege” to carry around a credit card. By securing a debt consolidation loan,you could have all outstanding credit card debt rolled into one
loan with a low interest rate. Therefore, the debt would be paid off within a few years, saving tremendous money.

Controlling Debt

Because so many people are struggling with debt versus income, debt consolidation loans and student consolidation loans are booming. With this type of service, you also have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with a professional counselor
that will review your debt versus income ratio and set you up on a realistic payment plan that works specifically for you. An agency that specializes in debt consolidation loans or student consolidation loans is structured to work directly with your debtors, working out lower interest rates and better repayment schedules. With that, you can keep a schedule that would allow you to pay off all your debt in 30 to 60 months as opposed to 20 to 30 years! The bottom line is that depending on
the level of your debt, you would easily save anywhere from $1,000 to hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest,processing fees, and late fees.

Future Buying

When you go to buy a home, car, get a student loan, or go into business for yourself, the first thing that will happen is a report will be run on our credit history. This report will show potential debtors how much money you own, if you pay your bills on time, if you have ever had a judgment against you or filed for bankruptcy, and everything possible about spending and paying habits. If you are way in over your head from a financial perspective, chances are you are overextended with
credit, have missed some payments, made late payments, and overall have a fair or poor credit report history. That means if you wanted to buy a home or car, you would be denied. Maintaining good credit is crucial and something everyone should take seriously. A debt consolidation loan would help you get back on track so your history report is favorable,not damaging. With that, if you want to invest in a home when you get married, or buy a larger car when little ones begin arriving, you could. Therefore, a debt consolidation loan can help you with future buying.

About the Author
Dion Semeniuk has researched various ways to consolidate loans and the best resources to do so. To learn more on why to consolidate you loans, please visit http://www.consolidation-loan-directory.com